Joel heads to a Deaf man who owns a business making Chang rice dumplings! Be entertained as Joel tries his hand at making his own dumplings and realizes it isn’t as easy as it looks! Find out more about the owner, Tommy, and how he got started with this tasty business in Sabah! (captioned)

Thanks to Sponsors:
Sabah Tourism Board


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  • Hi Joel, I’m impressed you visit around the world for only deaf people, wow!!!. I’m Deaf from Wigan, in England(UK). I wonder if I can ask you something? Im afraid to ask you is why you didn’t went to England or Wales as I understand there is no deaf owner, correct? Once again, I’m most impressed. Also I like your funny face when your brother camera man jump make you say nothing, lol. Thank you and I still watch video clip on your around the world for deaf people and I’m proud of you and brave.

    Well done.


  • It doesn’t look easy to wrap up food with long leave. I wish to taste it. Sound delicious. Dumpling in hot water likely crock pot.

World Sign Language by Deaf children around the world


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