Ryan Fontana takes us on a very educative tour through a fish hatchery in Texas. He takes us along as he continues his job of fish breeding, teaching us the process. We see how both a catfish and a Florida bass are raised, starting from when they were just conceived. Male and female fish are put together in pans and the workers take the eggs periodically. The chemicals are put in the eggs, and after some time, the eggs become the fry. Thousands of fry are then put in the feeding tank where they eat and grow. After some time, the fry grow into adult-sized fishes, and are put in rivers or ponds all over Texas. Watch for even more details about this process! (captioned)


  • I’m an avid bass angler. Fascinating video! Always have wondered what it’s like inside the fish hatchery places. Wish there was more focus on bass rather than catfish. Still fascinating nonetheless! Thanks for sharing!

  • Excellent video! Ryan is member of Austin Bass Club of the Deaf and he is a good bass fisherman. He’s good at the tournaments. Good family man! ABCD thanks DeafNation for this wonderful presentation. Hey Ryan, you did good. See ya at the lake soon.

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