Previous Panama: Deaf Sugar Farmers Next Panama: Kuna – San Blas PanamaPanama: Nail Salon Deaf OwnerIn David, Chirique, Deaf woman runs the nail salon by the street. Panama Tour sponsored by Sorenson VRS.You may also like TIVE Technology Iceland: Super Jeep Tour Austria: Vienna North Dakota: Theodore Roosevelt National Park Sri Lanka: Deaf Tea Plucker Mongolia: Erdenet MiningAdd comment Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment *Name * Email * Website ΔThat’s GREAT she owns her own nail salon and she’s deaf. I’m currently going to school for Cosmetology and wellness and hoping to own my own spa once I’m done with my education 😀ReplyFOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIAfacebookinstagramtwitteryoutube
That’s GREAT she owns her own nail salon and she’s deaf. I’m currently going to school for Cosmetology and wellness and hoping to own my own spa once I’m done with my education 😀Reply
That’s GREAT she owns her own nail salon and she’s deaf. I’m currently going to school for Cosmetology and wellness and hoping to own my own spa once I’m done with my education 😀