On the newest episode of Alana’s Musings, Alana kicks off a series of topics that address communication topics. She takes a look at the communication differences between introverts and extroverts and muses openly about the common traits that both types have, and some misconceptions people generally have. Which are you, an introvert or an extrovert?


  • Excellent introduction on extrovert and introvert. I have taken numerous Myers-Briggs Type Indicator screening over the years. It showed I have swayed between extrovert and introvert for most part of my life and more recently shifted toward introvert. People do change traits when they encountered changes of environment in their lives whether it be at workplace or personal life; education experience, and interaction with associated peers socially and professionally.

    Introverlly yours,

  • Enjoyed this – just a thought to throw in, is there such a person
    who may be both? (in between) Looking forward to more of your musings!

  • Hi Alana,
    I am Alan. Of course i am deaf. πŸ˜‰ Anyway i really like your comment an introvert or extrovert. I am an introvert bec of parent left me out since child. It cause mark on my head. I would like to talk with u about it. Let me know. Thanks

  • Thanks so much for edcuation us about this society. I learned something about myself which is high percent introvert.



  • THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Ha, no wonder why my twin brother kept asking me “what are we doing tonight.” He’s obviously an extrovert and I’m an introvert. He thinks I should go out often but I have my limits. πŸ™‚ I’m gonna have my brother check this video out. πŸ™‚

  • Good point. I already identify myself and my family.

    What you were explaining match my thoughts!

    I am extrovert person while my daughter is introvert. We are deaf. I can see different personality between me and my daughter.


  • Thank you, Alana! For all of your inputs on this topic…the way you explained is clear and loud and that makes my mind going like a light bulb! Wish my late mother would watch your video because she thought I was an extrovert in the family but actually, I was but still am introvert in the Deaf world.

  • Your videos actually helped me to recall the information from what I learned those years at RIT but I didn’t comment in your other videos, I just want to say that you did an excellent job in those videos! For this video’s question, I am considered to be extrovert guy even though I can’t guarantee πŸ˜€

    Keep it up! πŸ™‚

    Niagara Falls, Canada

  • Good one! Check the HSP! Highly sensitive People are mostly introverts, by their preferences and sensitive nature. The writer’s name is Elaine Aaon (last name spelling?). She wrote several books about HSP. There is web page site for people to join.

  • I watched your Vlogs a few times. I enjoyed your Musings tremendously. Introvert vs Extrovert…
    Many people are entitled to their rights to give their opinions. Here is my personal opinion. For those who are extroverts are interested in getting attention and have ego problems while those who are introverts are
    very humble. Extroverts are big-headed and use their bragging rights all the time while Introverts use their bragging rights rarely. I agree that extroverts are very friendly and smooth talkers. Of course the population prefer extroverts to introverts.

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